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SWERDLOFF Families Genealogy To look at various genealogical reports and forms for these familes click on each of the following links. To return hold the Alt key and click the left-arrow or use your Back radio button. Herein are two alphabetical indices. First: Main Index Page links to Family Pages (example) using alphabetic indices on first or last name. Here you'll see spouse, parents, and children. You can click on a name and continue to the oldest ancestor or the youngest descendant. You can link to a Pedigree (example). Very interesting is finding the oldest ancester and looking at the Descendancy Report. Another (example). Second: Surname Index links to Family Group Sheets which can display photographs, source notes, biographical material, and a great deal of detail. One can create wonderful family histories if there is a lot of detail. Such an example is Leon Sverdlove. Leon's grandson Max hosts this site. This was the genealogy I sent the families Movsha Sverdlove. If you do not have Acrobat reader go to get Acrobat reader. Another good example of Family Group Sheet is my parents Family Group Sheet. Wherever possible, and whenever I find the time, I try to add source data from jewishgen.org, ancestry.com, ellisisland.org, and other sources. A blank Family Group Sheet can be downloaded in Acrobat pdf (Portable Document Format) and mailed or faxed to me. Also available is a Pedigree Chart. This is a work-in-progress and all links may not be actived. The original date is in four major databases: Family, Teller, Sverdlov, Shchedrin. A large portion of Family is repeated in both Sverdlov and Shchedrin. All the other material is derived from those collection. NOTE: E-mail jpegs, GEDCOMs, additions, and correction. Snail-mail photos (which I will return) or any information to be posted. You can fill in this online form with genealogies for each family. I would like to put up pictures that are old, or show families, or show celebrating holidays and doing interesting activities, and I'll post them. |
Descendant Report of Mathias & Hershel From Rostov-on-Don, Rostovskaja Oblast, Russia to Baltimore to Duluth, MN Family Group Sheets Swerdloff's in Australia Swerdloff's in England