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Swedloff | Swedlove | Swedlow | Swerdloff | Swerdlov | Swerdlove | Swerdlow | Swerdlowe |
The SVERDLOV Families by Geographical Location To look at various genealogical reports and forms for these familes click on each of the following links. To return hold the Alt key and click the left-arrow or use your Back radio button. This is a work-in-process and all links may not be actived. The original date is in four major databases: Family, Teller, Sverdlov, Shchedrin. A large portion of Family is repeated in both Sverdlov and Shchedrin. All the other material is derived from those collection. NOTE: E-mail jpegs, GEDCOMs, additions, and correction. Snail-mail photos (which I will return) or any information to be posted. You can fill in this online form with genealogies for each family. I would like to put up pictures that are old, or show families, or show celebrating holidays and doing interesting activities, and I'll post them. Timeline Consequences of Border Changes. The History of the Administrative-Territorial Division of Belarus. |
§ Download Adobe Acrobat. Open the Modified Descendant Register (NGSQ) in Portable Document Format (pdf) |