Zolita (Zlate) and Andrew (Henoch) Sverdlove 1942 | ![]() |
Davidson-Sverdlove Family | Sverdlov name | Shchedrin Shtetl | Teller |
When doing research you'll find many variant spellings including Zhedrin (Bobrouisk Yizkor Book, page 846); These are saved searches using the Gray Form: Short Form for Searching for Passengers in the Ellis Island Database in One Step at http://www.stephenmorse.org/ or http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/EIDB/© Stephen P. Morse, Michael Tobias, Erik S. Steinmetz, 2002. These databases are the continuing sources of the immigration manifests I have accumulated under Sources or Pictures linked from the Shchedrin page. Babruisk Bobransk Bobrinsk Bobrnisk Bobrojek Bobruish Bobruisk Chadrin Chedrin Csidrin Czedin Chedrin Fedrin Jzesedrin Lidrin Parecz Parichi Pariczi Paritchi Paritsni Paritz Paryez Schczedrin Schedrim Schedrin Schedurn Scheedrin Schidrin Schidryn Schjidrin Schtschedrin Schzedern Schzedoin Schzedrin Schzedron Schzedvin Sczednin Sczedrin Sczedry Sczedryn Sczerrin Sedrin Sedrinsk Seedrin Sezcdrin Sezedrin Sezedry Shedrin Shegrin Shehigrin Shtchedrin Sidrina Sisedins Studrin Szaudrin Szcredrin Szczdrin Szedrin Dobruschin,Elie arrived 1905, age 12 (b.1893); Dobruschin, Musse, arrived 1908 age 20 (b.1888); Dubrowsky,Falk arrived 1906 age 17 (b.1889); Eisenstadt, Jankel arrived 1903 age 35 (1868); Szeidrun Raskin,Harry arrived 1909, age 20 (b. 1898) Szidrin Weiner family arrived in 1906: Chaje, age 48 (b. 1858); Mendel, age 26 (b.1880);Motel, age 11 (b.1895); Nachum, age 8 (b.1898); Leie, age 6 (b.1900); Fische, age 4 (b.1902) Szudrin Finkelstein, Jankel arrived 1912, age 20 (b.1892) Okin, Sosche arrived 1913, age 17 (b.1896) Tchedryn Okun, Aron David arrived 1923, age 22 (b.1901) Tschedrin Gollod, Leizer arrived 1906, age 17 (b.1899) Zodrin Gelfand, Salman arrived 1907, age 25 (b. 1872) By researching the shtetl and the various people from Shchedrin, Parichi and Bobroisk I was able to discover the various spellings and misreadings for the ancestors. From the various WERTKIN, URETZKY and WEINER Immigration Manifests, Czedrin, Sczedrin, Shtchedrin, Szedrin, and Sedrin; Jossif WERBKIN, Czedryn; from Sterna GORELIK's manifest, Szcredrin; Bluma Mandel, Sczedryn; Schzedoin from Berko GORELIK; from Feiga GORELIK's manifest, Sezedry; from Chane OKUN, Sczednin; from Michel BASS, Sidrina; from Chaje WEINER, Szidrin; from PLOTKIN-CHAZDAN, Schzedvin; from GOLLAD and STRUPINSKY manifests, Tschedrin, Minskoi gub., Bobruiskago uiezda; from Salman GELFAND, Zodrin; Malke KAPLAN, Schjidrin; Aron GOLOD and Nachem KIMELMAN, Schzedrin; Basse Gorelik, Jzesedrin; Bioshe Gorelik, Schzedron; Jankel Finkelstein, Szudrin; Aron David Okun, Tchedryn; Chatzkel Okun, Sczerrin; Nechame Okun, Schidrin; Aisik Dubrowsky, Schzedern; Chaim Dubrowsky, Sezcdrin; Falk Dubrowsky, Schedurn. Check under Schedrin, Shedrin, Chedrin, and Chedrina. The official name varied with time, place, language, and transliteration. The current Belarus name is Scadryn. The Local official name form approved for use within the US Government by the US BGN is Shchedrin, and Shchadryn is the former name, minority language name, or variation of the native name. The nearby Jewish towns were Parichi (Parycy today) and Bobruisk (Babrujsk) There is no W or G in Russian, Sverdlov is the same as Swerdlow; Goloditz is the same as Holoditz. Weiner and Viner are interchangeable. |