The wav files are quite large and will take a few minutes to become streaming audio. I have not yet reviewed and edited any of them so there may be duplicates and dead spaces. Comments are appreciated.
On Sunday, March 2, 1987 Harry held a planned meeting at The Shelter, Easterlin Park, 1000 NW 38th Street, Oakland Park, Florida. "Our program features a short Memorial Service by Rabbi Yossi Denburg (Okun) for out massacred brethren. His dad Leib Denburg missed the train back to Schedrin the day of the massacre....Jacob Gorelick will tell you about your mischpacha he recalls in his youth....Displays will show family trees to be updated, maps & historical items and pictures....My hope for computerizing our names in Tel Aviv Archives is out--too costly....If you're interested in roots and want to know more about Schedrin, come! Let's honor & question the elders who can still come."
Audio #1 March 13,1988 Schedriner Meeting at Lubavitcher Center, Coral Springs, Florida. Harry tells the story of the founding of Shchedrin. The story of his parents and his son's tsuvah to Lubavitch. The first gathering of 200 people! From that first meeting started the hand written genealogies which Harry reviews. This is the basis of this genealogy. Harry talks about some of the great successes and astonishing longevity. Yakov Gorelik arrived in the U.S.A. in 1922. In 1945 the Russian came to Shchedrin; on this part of the tape Yakov? goes house-by-house and tells who lived there before the March 10, 1942 slaughter of the Jews from Shchedrin, Parich, and all the shtetl in Bobrouisk. Harry reads a necrology [NOTE: I will try to copy this to text]. There is more... Jacob Gorelik speaks.
Reunion Audio Tapes
(required high-speed internet connection)
Audio #1 from March 13, 1988
Audio #2 from March 13, 1988
Audio #3 from March 13, 1988
Audio #4 from March 13, 1988
Audio #5 from July 15, 1990
Audio #6 from July 15, 1990
Audio #7 from March 23, 1995
Audio #1 from Jacob Gorelick
Audio #8 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #9 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #10 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio 11 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #12 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #13 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #14 Interview of Harry L. Katz February 27, 2005
Audio #15 Elsie Blumkin (nee' Elke Ehrenberg) on Today Show Feb. 19, 1988